
Popcorn is a .Net Middleware for your RESTful API that allows your consumers to request exactly as much or as little as they need, with no effort from you.

This project is maintained by Skyward App Company

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Popcorn > Documentation > DotNet > Tutorial: Blind Expansion

We may not want to actually have to project out all of your objects and map them as that may not be a layer of abstraction you or your team care to have. We recognize that while projections do offer another layer of protection and more flexiblity within Popcorn, our users need to be able to quickly get started and get moving.

Enter blind expansions! By simply designating EnableBlindExpansion to true within the project config, we are able to skip over the projecting and mapping steps completely.


Let’s go back to our example project and add a new class to our Models, “Business”

public class Business
    public string Name { get; set; }
    public string StreetAddress { get; set; }
    public int ZipCode { get; set; }
    public List<Employee> Employees { get; set; }

    public enum Purposes
    public Purposes Purpose { get; set; }

We also need to add example data to our context and add a new endpoint, “businesses” to our example controller.

// Endpoint addition
[HttpGet, Route("businesses")]
public List<Business> Businesses()
    return _context.Businesses;

Updating the context:

public class ExampleContext
    public List<Car> Cars { get; } = new List<Car>();
    public List<Employee> Employees { get; } = new List<Employee>();
    public List<Business> Businesses { get; } = new List<Business>();

Lastly adding some mock data:

        private ExampleContext CreateExampleDatabase()
            var context = new ExampleContext();
            var liz = new Employee
                FirstName = "Liz",
                LastName = "Lemon",
                Employment = EmploymentType.FullTime,
                Birthday = DateTimeOffset.Parse("1981-05-01"),
                VacationDays = 0,
                Vehicles = new List<Car>()

            var jack = new Employee
                FirstName = "Jack",
                LastName = "Donaghy",
                Employment = EmploymentType.PartTime,
                Birthday = DateTimeOffset.Parse("1957-07-12"),
                VacationDays = 300,
                Vehicles = new List<Car>()

            var shoeBusiness = new Business
                Name = "Shoe Biz",
                StreetAddress = "1234 Street St",
                ZipCode = 55555,
                Purpose = Business.Purposes.Shoes,
                Employees = new List<Employee>()

            var carBusiness = new Business
                Name = "Car Biz",
                StreetAddress = "4321 Avenue Ave",
                ZipCode = 44444,
                Purpose = Business.Purposes.Vehicles,
                Employees = new List<Employee>()

            return context;

If we want to get started with using Popcorn from here all we have to do is add the EnableBlindExpansion setting to our configuration as shown below and we truly are off to the races!

services.AddMvc((mvcOptions) =>
    mvcOptions.UsePopcorn((popcornConfig) => {

Now we fire up our example project and make a call to our businesses endpoint as shown below. That’s it! You’ll see that the appropriate properties are returned without adding a mapping or a Business projection.


    "Success": true,
    "Data": [
            "Name": "Shoe Biz",
            "StreetAddress": "1234 Street St",
            "ZipCode": 55555,
            "Employees": [
                    "FirstName": "Jack",
                    "LastName": "Donaghy",
                    "Employment": "Employed"
                    "FirstName": "Liz",
                    "LastName": "Lemon",
                    "Employment": "Employed"
            "Purpose": 0
            "Name": "Car Biz",
            "StreetAddress": "4321 Avenue Ave",
            "ZipCode": 44444,
            "Employees": [],
            "Purpose": 1

Of course all good things have their benefits and limitations, so let’s list them here for blind expansion:


  • Very quick setup
  • Easy to configure and manage
  • Context and other mappings/defaults for other objects still respected


  • No easy way to configure defaults
  • Sorting is not supported for blind objects
  • More risk as there is no ahead-of-time guarantee that your object being requested is able to be expanded
    • We do take steps to minimize this and most custom object types should be expandable.

Custom Type Handling in Blind Expansion

In some cases, you may want to handle translating a type from one complex object type to another complex object type, or even a simple one, universally in blind expansion. A good example of this may be geometry; say you’re using a geometry library that has a very complex Geometry type that doesn’t automatically expand well in a blind scenario.

	"Coordinates": [{
		"X": -84.6269069291507,
		"Y": 42.263642822738,
		"Z": "NaN"
	}, {
		"X": -84.6246400714115,
		"Y": 42.264384414324,
		"Z": "NaN"
	}, {
		"X": -84.6245550496843,
		"Y": 42.2666479224467,
		"Z": "NaN"
	}, {
		"X": -84.6266959828185,
		"Y": 42.2666922700425,
		"Z": "NaN"
	}, {
		"X": -84.6269069291507,
		"Y": 42.263642822738,
		"Z": "NaN"
	"CoordinateSequence": {
		"Dimension": 3,
		"Ordinates": 7,
		"Count": 5
	"Coordinate": {
		"X": -84.6269069291507,
		"Y": 42.263642822738,
		"Z": "NaN"
	"Dimension": 1,
	"BoundaryDimension": -1,
    ... (thousands of other properties) ...

Perhaps a little too verbose. There are a few common standards for referring to geometry; let’s highlight WKT as our example. WKT provides a simple textual representation of a geometry that can be contained in one string item.

To declare to Popcorn that when it encounters a Geometry object in blind expansion, it should output a simpler WKT string, you can register a handler like so:

services.Configure<MvcOptions>(options =>
	options.UsePopcorn(popcornConfig =>
       popcornConfig.BlindHandler<Geometry, string>((input, context) => WktWriter.Write(input));

Now, instead of expanding to the above super complex proprietary object, it’ll output some neat WKT data:

"POLYGON ((-84.6269069291507 42.263642822738, -84.6246400714115 42.264384414324, -84.6245550496843 42.2666479224467, -84.6266959828185 42.2666922700425, -84.6269069291507 42.263642822738))"

Obviously this can be used for any data or any format, and allows you to target in on just the specific cases where you need something a little custom. This doesn’t have to be a string response; you could just as easily return a new object, maybe something specific to the GeoJson format.